Tuesday, June 30, 2015

if i were a teacher

It  is a small video from the activity " if I were a teacher " where teachers became students and students try to teach them a specific subject that they have prepared.

This photos were taken before we went to Croatia,
while working Geogebra.

Geogebra is mathimatics programme, that we were assinged to work with.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Night of the book in High school Bedekovčina

With strenuous, but cheerful preparation we welcomed the first Night of the book (23rd of April) which showed as very entertaining. At atrium of our school we have edited various exhibits, posters and books. On some of the posters, on the theme of violence in relationships, students of different professions have been working during the day and so turned school hours in the fun and constructive. In the morning we were visited by children from kindergarten Bedekovčina with whom we played, drew a bike and learn the rules of cycling, and in the afternoon we hosted students of the elementary school Bedekovčina. All the activities we have tried to promote the book and reading as well as various other arts as visual art, film and music. Listened to the verses of famous poets set to music, watching two films based on literary works, were looking at posters and drawings displayed in the atrium.

With good food prepared by the staff of the school, the evening turned into a real poetry evening, outdoors and under the stars, with lyrics and music. In this book Nights enjoyed about 50 students and staff of the school and about 90 guests. Their impressions will do that next Night the book even more attractive.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

High Shool Bedekovcina at the Job Fair

Hello from Croatia! Last Friday we were at the Job Fair in which we have in our region every year. It is intended for the unemployed and students of final year of elementary school who will now choose high school they will be attending in the next three or four years. All of our high schools come to the fair to present their programs and occupations. So we presented our florists, painters and architectural technicians with flower arranging workshops, painting and drawing. Also, our nurses and physical therapists massage the visitors and measured their blood pressure. Our students showed the younger students what they learned and how they do some work in their profession.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Carnival celebration in High school Bedekovčina

Today, on 17th February we celebrate Carnivale, traditional holiday in Croatia when we are eating donuts and are disguised. Look at some parts of atmos

phere in our gym..

Sunday, February 15, 2015

“Tsiknopempti” marks the beginning of the Carnival celebrations. It is the day when all Cypriots consume enormous amount of meat dishes.  - See more at: http://www.heartcyprus.com/blog/tsiknopempti-in-cyprus#sthash.7bQXoG4b.dpuf.

“Tsiknopempti’’ got its name from the Cypriot word “tsikna” which refers to the characteristic smell of meat that is cooked on the charcoals and Pempti wish means Thursday. 

Here are some pictures that show how we have celebrate "Tsiknopempti" at our school

“IT or not IT?” Reaching our goals equipped with modern tools.